September 20, 2009

September 20, 2009- Kampala- Snippets of kids

tiny girl with skinny legs shuffles, determined, up the hill
with her endearingly chunky little sister on her shoulders.
matching orange dresses,
matching orange ice creams,
matching, unbelievably focused orange smiles.


late afternoon light, the sun still strong.
family heading to the Mosque to celebrate seeing the moon and breaking a fast
they are mostly looking down or intently for a cab,
beautiful white cloaks and bright headscarves blowing in the dust kicked up by the passing chaos on the road.
the patriarch looks at me warily as I squeeze between the wooden cart full of pungent fruit, the whizzing motorbikes, and his sons.
the youngest one in Palestinian solidarity scarf, scarcely 10, yells out happily--Mzungu, bye!!!
it's all i can do not to pick him up and swing him around.

some kid is learning to play the tuba in kampala, past 10pm
wonders never cease.

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